No more waiting for the mail. Make your life easy by receiving your bill each month online. Our eBill is a secure way to receive and view your bill online. By enrolling in eBilling, you'll conveniently receive an email each month when your bill is ready for viewing online. Say goodbye to paper bills and hello to convenience and less clutter!
The terms and conditions of eBilling require that you agree to the following:
If you request that we stop mailing a paper bill it will be your responsibility to check your email for the bill each month. Understand that we do not control all aspects of email delivery and cannot assure timely delivery of your eBill. You'll continue to receive a paper bill until we have successfully delivered a confirmation email to the address provided on the enrollment form.
By agreeing to suspension of mailed paper bills, you agree that emailing the bill will constitute your receipt of the bill for all purposes and that the bill is due and payable upon posting. We can only attempt to email your bill if it has a current correct email address for you and you immediately notify us of any change in your email address. If you do not check for your bill in a timely manner or fail to pay your bill by the due date for any reason, penalties may occur.
You may provide email address updates at any time and at no charge. We will send a confirmation email to the new address provided. No additional messages will be sent to the old email address.